Del- Available

dobermann doberman dobe dobie rescue charity rehome

Our stunning boy Del is coming on leaps and bounds. In a few weeks Del will be ready for his new home. Del joined us a while ago and on the outside is a playful loving pup but sadly Del has inner demons. We have been working with him building up his trust in people. Del came from a home where there awful domestic violence causing his owner to flee and contact us, sadly you can see the affect it has taken on him. Del will freeze, pant, drool with strangers and if pushed too far will growl, he will snap if that isn’t heard. He is extremely uncomfortable if he feels cornered, his body waits the contact when they touch his head or his back end. This isn’t a bad dog this is an extremely scared dog. With me he’s happy, he knows he’s safe and won’t be hurt but whoever takes him will need to earn this bond. Ideally they will come a few times and spend time here at the kennels with him and must be experienced to be able to read his body language . We will discuss his triggers, the signs to look for to see he is becoming stressed and work on building a bond. He cannot go just anywhere but I’m confident that with the progress he has made with us that there is a home out there for him. I wouldn’t class him as fear aggressive but fear reactive if the signs are ignored and he is pushed into that state. We feel it’s important in his story that we share this with you all and if anything hopefully it will give a better understanding of some of the issues we see. This boy has come a long way so far. He deserves that chance to shine.


dobermann doberman dobe dobie rescue charity rehome dobermann doberman dobe dobie rescue charity rehome