Name: Fallon
Age: 9 months
Children: age 13+
Dog friendly? Yes, but would benefit from being an only dog
Other animals? No
Fallon came to us from the pound where she found herself at only 7 months old, as we don’t have any history on her we are only willing to home her with teenage children upwards. She seems great with people if not a little over-enthusiastic. She needs to learn boundaries and basic training so would benefit from 121 time with her new owner/s. As Fallon has been in kennels for 2 months she will need help remembering her toilet training. Out and about Fallon can be excited by other dogs on lead and will bark back if they bark at her, off lead she is friendly with other dogs.
Fallon requires a home where her new family are happy to train her and teach her boundaries and routine. She is a high energy dog who requires an active home. With the right support Fallon will mature into a brilliant dog.