Chico has been adopted.

This 9 month boy came to us yesterday and we are searching for his perfect home. One of our volunteers has spent the day with him today and has found him to be a very affectionate boy with HUGE potential.
He loved spending time playing with her 11 & 12 year old children and grew very attached to them in a short space of time. He did not jump up or mouth them, so he could possibly be rehomed with slightly younger, dog savvy kids. He enjoyed cuddling up on his bed with them too.
He was happy to travel in the van to the pet shop and displayed calm behaviour whilst there, meeting new people very politely and enjoying a fuss.
He had his assessment this afternoon and did incredibly well. He sat nicely waiting for treats and showed excellent recall potential – he would break away from playing with his new friends when called and come back for some tasty food. He is very strong on his lead, and will bark at dogs and sometime cars, but he is very food motivated and still so young, so we feel this would be easily rectified in the right home. Could you offer this fabulous young pup the home he’s looking for? Please fill out an application.