Hugo is an entire 8 month old brown and tan male.

He is a lovely boy who can be a bit wary of strangers this is due to his past living arrangements but he is young enough to bounce back and enjoy a new life.
Once he gets to know you he is really engaging and just wants to please and have a good time, he is a very nice young dog with so much potential.
Friendly with dogs and shows no signs of reactivity. Unknown with children and cats.
Hugo has been assessed by a qualified behaviourist:
Kennel behaviour | When we approached the kennel, Hugo was happy to see the kennel manager with whom he was already familiar but seemed a little wary of me as a stranger. He did not react to me but he looked worried and did not want to engage. He was happy to have the lead on and once out of the kennel area, he took a treat from me. After taking a few treats, he relaxed and appeared much more relaxed in my presence. He did not react to dogs barking in adjacent kennels. |
Handling | Hugo walked well down to the paddock and showed no reaction to people nearby or any objects. He was excited when let off the lead in the paddock and ran round enthusiastically. He did approach regularly and jumped up. He wasn’t responding to a treat at first but once he had burned off a little of his excitement, he responded well. He was motivated by food and was receptive to cues offering Sit, Down and Wait. . He did not snatch food and was soft mouthed. I touched him all over with no adverse reaction. He was very motivated by a ball and recalled well for it. He was very good on the lead and walked calmly. |
Sociability | Hugo loved playing Fetch and had an excellent retrieve, dropping the ball at my feet for another throw. I produced a tug toy and Hugo enjoyed some lively play with that. He would relinquish the tug toy for treats. |
Reactivity | Please give details of reactivity on a scale of 1 to 5 (where 1 = low & 5 = high) Reactivity – 1 Hugo not at all reactive. He was not distracted by the busy environment and continued to engage well with us at all times. |
Possession | Hugo showed no evidence of resource guarding and was happy to give up the ball and the tug. |
General | Hugo is a lovely young dog. He did not show any negative or aggressive reactions at all. He appears a little worried by strangers at first meeting but relaxes very quickly in response to positive experiences. He is of very good temperament and enjoys play. He does jump up in an excited manner and needs to learn to greet people appropriately. He is very motivated by treats and toys and I feel that he would respond very well to training. He has obviously received some training already and is very receptive. Hugo has good impulse control and I feel that with maturity and good, positive training, he will be a lovely dog to have in your home. |