Meet Kiki

Kiki is a 3.5 year old entire bitch.

She has lived with another dog, but can be a bit barky when she first meets new dogs, but she soon settles, she will seek reassurance. She does not like cats.

She has lived with children from 10 upwards. She is a lovely girl but will need training on the lead as she can pull. She does not react to people, cars or bikes.

She loves to have cuddles and is a joy to be around. If you feel you can give Kiki a home then please fill out an application form.

KiKi’s Assessment

Kennel behaviour

Kiki was keen to exit the kennel but waited to have the lead put on. She exited in a excited manner but did not pull strongly on the lead and walked quite well to the paddock. She showed no reaction to dogs in adjacent kennels or to cattle in a barn.
When a dog approached the fence of the paddock, she did bark at him but this appeared to be playful and non-aggressive. She was happy to greet through the fence.


Kiki was very distracted by everything around her and was not particularly interested in engaging with me. I was able to touch her all over although she did sit down when I touched around her back end. There was no negative reaction.
She walks quite well on the lead but pays no attention to her handler.
With regards to recall, she was very responsive to a Boomer ball but did not pay attention otherwise.


Kiki is not pro-social but equally is not at all bothered by the presence of people. She very much enjoyed playing with a Boomer ball but was content to do that herself rather than engage with me. She showed no interest in any other ball or tug toy. She would occasionally comply with a Sit cue in exchange for a treat and showed good impulse control. There was no snatching or jumping up.


Please give details of reactivity on a scale of 1 to 5 (where 1 = low & 5 = high)
Reactivity – 1

Kiki was reactive to another dog as he approached the paddock fence. She barked at him but this appeared to be due to excitement and a desire to play rather than anxiety or aggression.
During the assessment, Kiki was exposed to people, dogs, other animals, vehicles and numerous objects.


Kiki became very obsessive and focussed on the Boomer Ball. I was however, able to pick it up and ask her to wait for it. There was no resource guarding at all and she did not snatch for it.


Kiki appears to be stressed by her new environment and is very distracted by everything around her. She finds it difficult to engage with people and used the Boomer ball as a displacement behaviour. She showed no negative reactions at all but pays little attention and focus. I do feel that once she settles into a new home, she would be a very different dog and would become much more amenable. She clearly likes people, treats and toys but is currently unable to engage. I am confident that she would soon become comfortable around new owners and will make a lovely dog for someone.