Macie was found as a stray and we think she is around 12 months old, her chip is not registered.

She is a very sweet girl, she is not reactive to the other dogs.
She knows basic commands like sit, she does not pull too badly on the lead.
She is very friendly towards people.
As she as was found as a stray we cannot say what she is like with children so we are saying that children must be 12 and upwards and dog savvy. No idea with cats but as she is so friendly with no high prey drive it could work.
Massie has been assessed by a qualified behaviourist:
Kennel behaviour | When we approached the kennel, Macie was very pleased to see us, wagging her tail enthusiastically. She was happy to have the lead on and although she was keen to leave the kennel block, she did not pull strongly. She did not react to dogs barking in adjacent kennels. |
Handling | Macie walked well down to the paddock and showed no reaction to people nearby or any objects. She ran around the paddock in an excited manner and was happy to approach us. She did jump up a little. Macy was motivated by food and was receptive to cues offering Sit and Wait, but did not appear to know Down. . She did not snatch food and was soft mouthed. I touched her all over with no adverse reaction. She wanted to engage with us and enjoyed play. She recalled well for a treat. She pulled a little on the lead when excited but I feel that it would be relatively easy to teach her good recall. She is very receptive. |
Sociability | Macie enjoyed play and showed interest in a ball and chased it,but did not fetch it back. She was not interested in a tug toy and seemed to be much more motivated by a ball. She would not drop the ball for treats at first and ran excitedly around the paddock with it. Eventually, she approached and I was able to swap for treats. She did not attempt to snatch the ball back. |
Reactivity | Please give details of reactivity on a scale of 1 to 5 (where 1 = low & 5 = high) Reactivity – 1 Macy was engaged and playful but not at all reactive. She was not distracted by anything in her environment and focussed well. |
Possession | Macie showed no evidence of resource guarding. She enjoys a ball and I feel that it would be easy to teach her a good retrieve and that, in turn, helps enormously with recall.. She enjoyed hanging onto the ball but would swap when cued. |
General | Macie is a very friendly young dog. She did not show any negative or aggressive reactions at all. She is of very good temperament and enjoys interaction with humans. She jumps up a little and needs to learn to greet people appropriately. She is motivated by treats and toys and I feel that she would respond very well to training. She has very good impulse control and I feel that with some good, positive training and a good home environment offering physical and mental stimulation, that she would prove to be a lovely pet. |