Tallis is adopted, she is a black and tan entire bitch who will be 2 in June.
She has previously lived with a dog and a cat. She is not used to children so dog savvy children of 12 and upwards.
Tallis is a friendly girl, she can be shouty on the lead, but this is just handbags and is easily manageable, please don’t let this put you off she will stop when told to do so. She has mixed freely with the rescue dogs and our volunteer’s dogs, all running and having a great time with no issues.

She has been to the pub, shops and parks and travels well in a van. She is a real character and loves to play with her ball, she is very affectionate and loves to have fuss and cuddles.

If you feel you can offer Tallis a home then please fill out an application.
Tallis Assessment
Kennel behaviour
Tallis was excited to see us when we approached her kennel but waited to have the lead on and exited calmly, not reacting to dogs in adjacent kennels or anything in the environment. She walked fairly well on the lead without much pulling. As soon as in the paddock, she enjoyed having a run in the paddock.
Tallis was friendly and affectionate and enjoyed having a fuss.
I touched her feet, hindquarters, head, ears, tummy, tail and she was not concerned about my handling of her. I knocked into her to test for any reaction but there was none. She enjoyed a fuss and was very pro-social.
She took treats from me and was soft mouthed at all times. She did have some recall but could get distracted by things around her. She was quite vocal and barked at things in the environment. This appeared to be motivated by excitement rather than any anxiety. She was motivated by treats more than by toys. She has had some training and responds to cues such as Sit, Down and Wait.
Tallis wanted to engage with us but is not particularly toy motivated. She showed some interest in a ball and in a tug toy but did not fetch and soon lost interest.
There were no negative reactions from Tallis. She appeared confident and happy.
Please give details of reactivity on a scale of 1 to 5 (where 1 = low & 5 = high)
Reactivity – 1
As previously mentioned, Tallis does have a tendency to bark at things around her. She does not seem to be negative but rather a response to being excited about what is going on around her. With some training on her leadwork with increased responsiveness, I feel that this could easily be resolved.
There was no evidence of any resource guarding from Tallis. She was polite when taking treats and showed good impulse control at all times.
Tallis is a very sociable dog, displaying pro-social behaviours at all times. She enjoys engagement with people and likes to have a fuss. She’s not particularly motivated by toys but does enjoy the game. It would be relatively easy to teach her to Fetch. Although she has a tendency to bark, she is generally a calm and relaxed dog with no negative reactions to anything. I think that she would easily settle into a new environment and become a very loving dog with her new family. She is very trainable and should pick things up quickly. I would have no hesitation in recommending her.